Wills to speak as two receive master of ministry at CTK


The Rev. Canon Robert Wills, Th.D., will be the speaker at the services Sunday evening, Feb. 16, honoring the graduation of two men from Christ the King.

Paul Dickinson, a candidate for Holy Orders, is receiving his master of ministry degree from St. Michael’s Seminary, San Clemente, Calif.

Andy Ellis of Tyrone, an applicant for Holy Orders, is receiving his master of divinity degree from Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pa.

Wills is a mentor for St. Michael’s Seminary and serves on the Seminary Commission. He is also the canon theologian for the Diocese of the Mid-South and the chair of the Commission on Ordained Ministry.

He is a member of the Bishop’s Council of the diocese and is the pastor of St. Luke Charismatic Episcopal Church in Manchester.

The graduation will be held at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary of Christ the King Church on Ga. Hwy. 34, between Peachtree City and Newnan.