Big rezoning on MacDuff: Wieland wants 238 homes on PTC’s westside


The largest residential rezoning request in quite some time will be presented in a workshop format to the Peachtree City Planning Commission Monday night.

John Wieland Homes and Neighborhoods wants an 87.6-acre tract rezoned from general industrial to GR-4 (general residential) to allow 204 homes. The parcel is located north of the Centennial subdivision off MacDuff Parkway and contains the infamous Peach Pit construction landfill along with abutting the CSX railroad tracks.

Several years ago Wieland had the Peach Pit site tested for contaminants and none were found. Also on the tract is a Georgia Power substation.

According to the company’s pitch, the homes will be designed for “today’s active adult lifestyles” with main-floor living, first floor owner suites, gourmet kitchens and elegant courtyard spaces.
The neighborhood would be age-targeted, but not age restricted, according to Wieland’s proposal.

Wieland estimates that once the subdivision is complete, it will generate about $1 million in property taxes a year. The company anticipates using the revenue to help complete the extension of MacDuff Parkway to Ga. Highway 74 north as must be done by Wieland in a joint venture with Brent West Village, LLC to allow development of 1,125 homes on 782 acres between both companies.

Also on Monday, Wieland will propose a rezoning for the 17.2 acre former site the company had initially set aside for a future new elementary school when the Centennial subdivision was conceived. Because it has been more than seven years since then and the school has not moved forward, the site reverts back to Wieland’s ownership.

There was a condition on the reversion that required the property to be used as open space, but Wieland is asking the city to remove that to allow development of 34 homes on the site.

Wieland contends that since more open space has been added to the 87.6-acre site which is to the north, it should be allowed to have the open space requirement set aside for the former school site, which fronts on MacDuff Parkway.

Also, the larger tract will have a single park area big enough to include a few multi-purpose fields that would be owned and operated by the homeowners association, Wieland stated in its pitch to the city.

Below, graphic of the site plan for the 34-acre rezoning request by John Wieland Homes for lots off MacDuff Parkway.