F’ville officers help out Santa


On Dec. 20, the Fayetteville Police Department held their annual Christmas with the Police program.

The department was able to provide presents to seven children from five families. The presents were bought by officers and detectives who volunteered their time. The officers also wrapped and tagged the items.

The department also gave each family a gift card to Publix to buy Christmas dinner and the Real Life Store donated a gift certificate to each family.

This year, Santa Claus was able to lend his assistance and expertise. He stopped by the Fayetteville Police Department to hand out gifts to the children despite his very busy schedule.

The event takes place every year when families in need are referred to the department by Fayetteville schools and churches. All monies used in the program are derived from donations. The Fayetteville Police Department would like to thank the following Fayetteville merchants and organizations for their benevolence:

The Fayette County Civitans, the Kiwanis Club of Fayette, Fayette Bonding Company, the VFW Riverdale Post, Target and the Fayetteville Real Life Store. There were also numerous donations from Fayetteville citizens.