Cheerleaders lend a hand for a cure


    Newnan High School’s cheerleading squad recently organized their annual “Cougars for a Cure Pink Out” to benefit Piedmont Newnan Hospital’s Cancer Wellness program.

    The cheerleading squad sold t-shirts and raised funds at a regular season football game, resulting in a $3,000 donation.

    Because of philanthropic support such as the “Cougars for a Cure Pink Out,” Cancer Wellness at Piedmont Newnan offers free, with comprehensive services and programs to anyone in the Coweta community affected by cancer at any phase in his or her cancer journey.

    Professionally-led programs include education, relaxation and stress reduction, cooking demonstrations, support groups, and individual nutritional and psychological counseling.

    Cancer Wellness at Piedmont expanded to Piedmont Newnan in August 2012, thanks to a gift from Thomas Chapman and family to the Piedmont Healthcare Foundation.

    For a list of upcoming classes or for more information about Cancer Wellness at Piedmont Newnan, visit Photo/Special.