PTC police to help with soliciting gifts for local seniors


Volunteers from the Peachtree City Police Department are joining the “Be A Santa To A Senior” (BASTAS) program to collect donations and gifts for senior citizens who face a lonely holiday season.

A Christmas tree is set up in the lobby of the police department with wish list ornaments each senior would like to receive. Participants can pick an ornament, do the shopping and return the unwrapped gifts to the collection box beside the tree.

The department will also accept gift cards to local stores so volunteers can purchase items for those who don’t have time to do the shopping, officials said.

Gifts will be distributed to BASTAS participants as well as residents at Southland Nursing Home whom the department has worked with the past three years.

The gifts will be matched and sorted by police and community volunteers who will wrap and bag the gifts in advance of delivery.

Anyone wishing to help can attend the wrapping party Saturday, Dec. 7 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at The Brick on the campus of Heritage Christian Church in Fayetteville at the corner of Bernhard and Redwine roads.

Refreshments will be served in what promises to be a fun event that will lead to a happy holidays for a number of local residents.