You choose: Start school on Aug. 4 or a week later


Do you have a child in one of Fayette County’s public schools? Or are you an employee of the school system? If so, and if you have an opinion on the 2014-2015 school calendar, the Fayette County Board of Education would like to hear your ideas on the two calendars up for consideration.

School system spokesperson Melinda Berry-Dreisbach said key features of the calendars include no furlough days for employees, a fall break in October, end of first semester by the holiday break and school attendance days within the state assessment window.

“The Fayette County Public School System needs input from parents and school employees regarding two proposed calendars for the 2014-2015 school year,” Berry-Dreisbach said.

A link to the calendars and the online comment form is available on the Fayette County Board of Education’s website at Comments will be taken through Nov. 18 when the school board could vote on the new calendar.

One of the draft calendars would have school beginning on Aug. 4 and ending on May 22, while the other has the first day of school on Aug. 11 and the last day on May 29.

Both calendars will maintain a 180-day schedule. And both calendars will include no furlough days, canceling the two furlough days currently in effect. Those two days will become the teacher planning days.

The potential for reinstituting the furlough days has been discussed recently by the school board and could be voted on in early 2014.