Fayette BoE, invest in teachers


Dear Mrs. Key, Dr. Todd, Mr. Presberg, Dr. Bacallao, Dr. Marchman, and Dr. Barrow:

First, I want to tell you about myself. I recently had the opportunity to meet and sit next to Dr. Barrow at the American Legion Post 105 meeting in support of Legion Girls State and Boys State awardees.

I worked with Dr. Todd and Mrs. Key years ago (wasn’t it just a few?) in supporting bond referendums and SPLOST referendums. I also worked extensively in PTOs for years helping to support teachers, and administrators, in whatever ways we could provide extras teachers were needing to help make their jobs easier.

While my children are no longer being educated in public schools, my grandchildren are. I believe it is everyone’s responsibility to help build responsible, respectful, educated citizens to become our future leaders.

During the last few years, Fayette County has experienced, along with lots of other school systems, cities and counties, an economic slowdown. Tightening belts was a solution which included furlough days for our teachers, along with loss of some pay and benefits.

Now, the Fayette County Board of Education finds itself with some extra funds. Teachers have endured loss of pay, and benefits long enough. It is time to restore their pay, restore furlough days and restore loss of benefits.

Your best assets have sacrificed financially for several years. They have dedicated themselves to academic achievement, as evidenced by recent test scores, despite loss of pay and benefits. It is time for them to be rewarded for their dedication.

Should the board consider doing this, you will invest in your best asset: your employees, your teachers, who are educating the future leaders of our country.

Ellen Cox
Fayetteville Ga.