Directors from COS travel to Iowa for training seminar


Three Family Ministry directors are at Certification School offered by the Center for Youth Ministries at Wartburg Theological Seminary, Dubuque, Iowa.

Candace Robichaux works at primary level, with children through fifth grade, Melissa Jacobson with middle school youth, and Jeremy Hall with high school youth.

They are in the midst of “a seven-day intensive training experience that is supplemented by six weeks of reading assignments, online blogging sessions and webinars,” according to the seminary.

Every school provides an adventure experience, small group conversations, professional development assessments, and theological education with cutting-edge ministry basics.

Jim LaDoux, school director, says: ”The Certification School is for adult leaders, volunteers, clergy, parents, youth and seminary students who have a passion for forming vibrant faith among young people. Participants learn about faith formation, family systems, team building, contemporary youth culture, strategic planning for congregational ministries, and build valuable networks for ongoing ministry support and learning.”

The Certification School process ends with a two-day peer ministry training experience and a closing ceremony that recognizes the completion of a comprehensive ministry plan and 130 hours of leadership development.