Fayette schools aim for high marks in Ga., national ranks


Superintendent Jody Barrow on Sept. 16 gave members of the Fayette County Board of Education a look at his proposed school system goals and objectives and potential revised mission and vision statements.

The idea behind the proposals was to position Fayette students to complete internationally, Barrow noted, as he asked board members for their input in the coming weeks. Barrow said he would bring any revisions back to the board for a vote at a later date.

Barrow presented four proposed school system goals and objectives. Each of the goals comes with a large number of specific objectives.

Goal 1 is to successfully educate all students.

Goal 2 calls for expanding the climate/culture of success, credibility and trust with all stakeholders.

Goal 3 provides for clean, safe and orderly educational facilities that support learning.

Goal 4 calls for providing fiscal accountability to all Fayette County citizens.

As a part of competing internationally, Barrow said the school system will look at various assessment tools that can be used to track Fayette students comparatively to students both nationally and internationally. Barrow asked board members for their input on the assessments.

The current mission statement reads: The mission of Fayette County Public Schools is to deliver effective instruction and set high expectations resulting in continued improvement in student achievement.

The draft mission statement reads: The mission of the Fayette County Schools, in collaboration with the Fayette County community, is to guarantee that all students are provided with superior instruction, resources (including technology), environment and guidance to ensure top quality graduates with life-long skills who can live responsibly in a global society.

The current vision statement reads: Our students will be capable of living and working effectively, responsibly and productively in a global environment.

The draft vision statement reads: It is the vision of the Fayette County School District to be ranked among the leading school systems in Georgia, nationally and internationally in student success. State, national and international assessment results will reflect growth and excellence exceeding state, national and international performance averages by five percent. Our schools shall be safe, healthy, caring environments where all students will make progress, staff members will perform to high standards, and our parents/community stakeholders are partners.

The board will also be considering a series of proposed belief statements.