Promise Place gets help from PTC Rotary Club


At a recent luncheon, Vanessa Mottley-Wilkins, Executive Director of Promise Place spoke to the Rotary Club of Peachtree City about the services provided at Promise Place and the current needs of the organization.

Mottley-Wilkins has worked in the nonprofit domestic violence field for the last fourteen years. Starting out as training program director for a 12 month residential program for women with life-controlling issues, Vanessa went on to become shelter director for a non-profit women’s shelter and was in that position for three years.

In 2003, Vanessa came on board with Fayette County Council on Domestic Violence Promise Place as their project coordinator – helping to expand services provided in Fayette County to 3 other counties which grew the program as a whole.

With the opening of this area’s first state certified domestic violence shelter in 2007, Vanessa took on the position as shelter director, assisting in putting together the framework for services provided while also providing assistance to the executive director. In 2007 Vanessa also became chair of the Griffin Judicial Circuit Domestic Violence Task Force which works alongside other agencies to provide domestic violence awareness as well as hold batterers accountable throughout the circuit.

Vanessa is now serving as Executive Director for Promise Place. She is an active member of the programmatic and membership task force of the Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence.