Use Ted Kennedy standard for Paula Deen


Many are asking whether Paula Deen should be fired for her 10-year-old racial comments. I find it best to use a standard.

I choose someone. If what another person said or did is worse than my standard, I say fire. If not, don’t fire.

My standard is Ted Kennedy.

In 1969 the “Lion of the Senate” drove drunk into a tidal channel on Chappaquiddick Island with a woman other than his wife. He got out and [went] home, but did not report the death of the woman he left there until the next morning when he was no longer drunk. He subsequently used family money to buy off her family so there was no civil lawsuit.

And he did not lose his job. Kept it for another 40years. So, no, Paula should not lose her job.

Bill Webster
Peachtree City, Ga.