County forum set for June 12


The first annual “Fayette: Face-to-Face,” a forum for discussion and networking to promote resource sharing throughout the community, will be presented by County Administrator Steve Rapson, the Fayette County Public Library and Friends of the Fayette County Public Library June 12 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the community meeting room at the Fayette County Public Library in downtown Fayetteville.
“Did you ever have a burning question you wanted to ask about county government and what resources are available? Now is your chance to get those questions out of your head and get some answers,” said library director Chris Snell.
“What better way to understand the government’s involvement in your life than having our version of an open house? ” said Rapson.
For additional information, please contact the library at 770-461-8841 Ext .5331