Support Fayette’s Biggest Food Drive


The Fayette County commissioners are spearheading a food drive on Sept. 14 called Fayette’s Biggest Food Drive. They have asked me to lead this project as the project manager. Our goal is to unite an entire county and fill a 53-foot trailer full of food.

This will be unprecedented act in our county and any surrounding county. We are not doing it for fame but to help the least among us — the hurting, the poor, the low income families and children, and our vulnerable seniors.

The commissioners will declare a proclamation three weeks prior to the event and banners will be hung. The mayors of Fayette County will do a declaration to officially endorse the event.

We are asking that every individual, religious group, business, civic group, and any others in the county participate as one county united.

Thank you for being part of this epic event.

Arwen Mullikin

Fayetteville, Ga.