Lum letter mean-spirited, racist


Last week The Citizen published an article that I found appalling and offensive. It was titled, “Why do blacks block vote? Let’s count reasons,” written by Deborah Lum.

Her article, or more correctly her diatribe, was filled with a tremendous amount of mean-spirited and denigrating accusations and hypocrisies. Let’s start with some of Deborah Lum’s mean-spirited and denigrating accusations to set the stage.

“The essence of the Republican Party has been quite unambiguous, thanks to ambassadors of intolerance, dishonesty, incompetence, negativity, bigotry, chicanery, and the asinine.”

How about if we change the word “Republican” to “Democrat” and make that same accusation? “The essence of the Democratic Party has been quite unambiguous, thanks to ambassadors of intolerance, dishonesty, incompetence, negativity, bigotry, chicanery, and the asinine.”

What would be her reaction to that accusation, I wonder? Either way, it is a mean-spirited and denigrating accusation to make against Republicans or Democrats.

Another example, out of many that can be garnered from her diatribe, is this accusation in her reference to the Republican Party: “The party embraces and defends the extreme, idiotic and vile people …”

What if that accusation was in reference to the Democrat party? What would be her reaction to that accusation, I wonder? Either way it is a mean-spirited and denigrating accusation to make against Republicans or Democrats.

Or, how about this example: “The litany of Republican intransigence, insanity, intolerance, bigotry, hypocrisy, ignorance, policies, and manipulations is well-documented and way too long for this space.”

Well, again change the word “Republican” to “Democrat” and play that accusation back again. “The litany of Democrat intransigence, insanity, intolerance, bigotry, hypocrisy, ignorance, policies, and manipulations is well-documented and way too long for this space.” What would be her reaction to that accusation, I wonder?

Again, either way it is a mean-spirited and denigrating accusation to make against Republicans or Democrats.

Now let’s focus on another one of her statements: “How can so many Republicans (64 percent by the most recent poll) be so ignorant and persistent in this absurdity? From the halls of Congress to the backwoods (where you might expect it).”

What exactly is Deborah Lum referring to by her derisive use of the phrase “backwoods (where you might expect it)”? Is it to refer to rural whites in a very derogatory and racist way? Is she trying do what Barack Obama did when he called rural whites “bitter clingers” – which is a racist slur.

Deborah Lum continues her diatribe with the following accusation: “The non-stop drumbeat of bigotry and vitriol … and the actions of Republican leaders is a constant reminder that humanity’s cancer still affects too many Americans. Dare I say it: the ‘R’ word.”

Is Deborah Lum calling Republicans “humanity’s cancer”? If that is the case, hate-filled accusations like that have been used before by others to describe people they hated as well. Any guesses as to whom they were? Hint, they had concentration camps.

Deborah Lum, I thought your leader, whom you worship in your diatribe, President Obama, called for more civility in our national discourse and politics. Where is the civility in your accusations? Or, is this so-called civility only to be used by people who disagree with Barack Obama? Is this a great example of hypocrisy?

Here’s another accusation from Deborah Lum’s diatribe, this time it is her accusation that Republicans do the following: “Demonization of the president, the Democrats and anyone who isn’t in lockstep with them.”

Really? I remember the absolute hatred and demonization of George Bush when he was president by the Democrats, which is still occurring today as “it is Bush’s fault for everything that is wrong.”

Also, in her diatribe she is doing to Republicans exactly what she claims they are doing to Democrats by demonizing them because they are not in lockstep with Barack Obama and the Democrats. Is this another great example of hypocrisy?

Deborah Lum keeps up her diatribe against Republicans and those who don’t support Barack Obama with this one: “Achieving power is the ultimate goal (bought and paid for by billionaire bank rollers).“

That is quite an interesting accusation to make in light of the Democrat billionaire bank rollers such as Warren Buffet and George Soros, to name a few, who bankroll the Democrat Party and Barack Obama to achieve power, which is their ultimate goal.

News flash for Deborah Lum: Achieving power is the ultimate goal of any political party!

And how about this golden nugget from Deborah Lum’s diatribe against Republicans, this time accusing Republicans of “Allegiance to the almighty dollar (corporations over people, and they are not the same).”

So examples of crony capitalism, such as Solyndra, where half a billion taxpayer dollars were given to a failed capitalist corporation, whose owner, is a large Obama donor bundler, is a good thing to do?

Crony capitalism is a form of fascism, and it is not a good thing to do. Where is her outrage on Solyndra? I don’t recall reading it in your diatribe. Is that because this Solyndra crony capitalism example was done by Obama and the Democrats?

This is just one of many examples of crony capitalism and “allegiance to the almighty dollar” supported by Obama and the Democrats. Another example of hypocrisy?

Let’s keep going, shall we? From Deborah Lum’s diatribe is this pearl of wisdom: “Republicans, by virtue of their legislative maneuvers, have shown their true colors towards people of color by passing voter ID laws for a problem that never existed.”

What exactly does she mean by Republican’s “true colors”? Is that meant to be a racist slur against Republicans? Per her diatribe, Deborah Lum doesn’t believe in having voters provide legal IDs to prove they are who they say they are in order to stop voter fraud in the U.S., which is needed to protect the integrity of our elections.

Even the United Nations (UN) observers who observed our 2012 election were shocked that we don’t have voter ID requirements like they do in other countries where the UN observes and monitors elections to protect against voter fraud. So does that mean the UN is showing their “true colors” as well because they insist on voter IDs to keep elections honest and from being stolen?

In summary, Deborah Lum’s diatribe went beyond her extreme pro-Obama and Democrat political partisanship, her mean spirited and hate-filled accusations against Republicans and anyone who disagrees with Obama (she calls them “humanity’s cancer”), and her diatribe’s hypocrisies.

The overarching impression I got from her diatribe was that of a cult-like devotion to Obama. Anyone who disagrees with the “cult of Obama” is to be viciously and ruthlessly attacked and condemned.

Like all cults, the cult leader is to be worshipped by his followers as a religious figure, the cult leader is always right according to his followers, the cult leader is to be defended by the cult followers at any cost, including viewing all opposition to their cult leader as enemies or ”humanity’s cancer.”

Stephen Allen

Peachtree City, Ga.