Residency affidavits due for Coweta students


Residency affidavits to keep the Coweta County School System in compliance with federal requirements are due in by Dec. 20. Signed affidavits of residence for every Coweta public school student must be in place by Dec. 20. Affidavits are required to attend second semester classes that begin Jan. 3.         

School system spokesman Dean Jackson said the affidavits are a requirement of a consent decree entered in federal court between the Coweta County School System and the U. S. Justice Department. The consent decree will provide an opportunity to resolve the 1973 Court Order which governs the Coweta County School System’s desegregation attempts, Jackson said. As long as the order is outstanding, affidavits of residence are required of all currently-enrolled students during every school year, Jackson added.

Affidavits for the second semester of the 2012-2013 school year must be completed and filed with schools by Thursday, Dec. 20 in order for students to remain enrolled for the second semester that begins Jan. 3. Letters informing parents and guardians of the requirement are being sent to all student households, Jackson said.

To fulfill the requirements of the court order all parents, legal guardians or other lawful custodians of students attending the Coweta County School System must sign under oath and deliver to the school his or her student is attending an affidavit of residence and two of the following items that will verify residency:

-property tax records which indicate the location of the residence;

-mortgage documents or a security deed which indicates the location of the residence;

-apartment or home lease or rent receipt indicating the current address;

-current utility bill for electricity or utility application for electricity showing the current address; or

-voter precinct identification card or other voter documentation indicating the current address.

Parents are asked to complete the Affidavit of Residence, signed in the presence of a Notary Public, and submit it with two pieces of the residency documentation listed above by Thursday, December 20, in order for students to remain enrolled in their school.

Parents, legal guardians, or other lawful custodians who do not reside in a home that they own or rent may require a two-party affidavit certifying that they and their enrolled child live at the address provided. That affidavit must be verified and signed by both the parent and the person who owns or rent the home. Those two-party affidavits may be obtained at the school system’s Central Registration Center at 167 Werz Industrial Drive in Newnan.

Some parents, legal guardians, or other lawful custodians who enrolled a child for the first time in a Coweta County school this school year (2012-13), had to complete an affidavit with proof of residency at the time of registration. If so, they do not need to file a second affidavit for that child or provide other documentation for this school year.