Mr. President, we await your leadership


Question: If Democrats insist on raising upper tax rates, and won’t budge, and the Republicans insist on no tax hike, and won’t budge, is it the Republicans who are the obstructionists?

So, Mr. President, are you going to lead us out of this mess?

Granted, both sides created it; the Democrats and the Republicans, the presidents, and the Congress, created it.

We need big ideas and big leadership, now. The increased tax rate is such a small “fix” (it buys us eight days of government spending).

The “cliff” is really a small thing, in relative terms. We need big fixes, and we need them now.

We need to reform the tax code; we need to get spending under control; we need to radically reduce the debt; we need to reform the entitlements so they last 100 years, not 10 or 12.

Are you the “big” leader, the leader with big ideas, the leader with big solutions, the guy that makes things happen, that we need?

Frank Pepper

Fayetteville, Ga.