Young singers in musical


Shepherd’s Flock Singers will present “O Little Christmas Town,” a children’s musical, at Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church on Dec. 9 at 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. According to the musical, the Bethlehem town council faces a decision as Caesar’s tax census approaches: do they want their little town to grow? The young actor/singers are, first row (L-R,) Scout Fleming, Lauren Heffelfinger, Ryan Heffelfinger, Megan Irvin, Tyler Jacobson, Katherine Shriner, Livvy Zimmerman, Jacob Cline, Carter McDonald, and Oliver Ravita; second row (L-R) Cassie Crosby, Emily McDowell, Addie Ellison, Caroline Alford, Lauren Marland, Henry Ravita, Olivia Holm, and Abbey Kross; third row (L-R) Liam Ravita, Natalie Robichaux, Kieran Marland, Trace Alford, Natalie Irvin, Hannah Kelly, Victoria Taylor; back row (L-R) Joshua Hiatt, Ashleigh Shriner, and Andre Kross. Not pictured: Matthew and Sarah Suess. Photo/Special.