Readers identify the mystery fish


I believe that is a fish referred to by many as a bowfin.

[It’s] a prehistoric throwback with very sharp teeth. I once caught one in the spillway below Lake Peachtree.

Bruce Lehner

Peachtree City, Ga.

[The editor responds: Mr. Lehner is not alone in spotting an old hook-line-and-sinker friend. Regina Whatley Yawn commented on The Citizen’s Facebook page, “Grinnell fish.” Pat Walsh wrote, “”I caught a similar looking fish out of Starr’s Mill millpond a few years back. It turned out to be a bowfin aka grinnell fish.” Abby Lee said, “Dog fish.” Flora Thompson wrote, “Bowfin — I caught one too at Starr’s Mill a couple summers ago. Their teeth are vicious.” Juanita Martin questioned, “Is there still water in Lake Horton to fish in? What a surprise!” And Linda LeQuire Huff provided the quintessential angler’s response, “I almost caught that one but it got away.”]