How to battle left wing takeover of America


Well, the election is over and the looters, moochers, and losers of our country have reaffirmed their right to a large portion of our pay checks for another four years.

I am not sure how others feel. Maybe they want to compromise with the socialists or appease them. I ,for one, want to fight (not with guns, at least not yet). How, pray tell, can we fight back? See below.

1. Take the fight to the left wing’s supporters, not just the Democrat Party.

2. Don’t buy from businesses with known left leaning owners or leaders. Avoid products made by companies with large union or blue state workforces.

3. Don’t hire people you suspect of being a leftist. You can tell. They always talk about the way they feel instead of the way they think.

4. Lay off people with Obama bumper stickers first.

5. If you are a doctor, stop taking Medicaid patients. Don’t cooperate with Obamacare.

6. Don’t vacation in blue states (or at least blue counties).

7. Encourage other conservatives and libertarians to relocate to a red state. We need the blue states to be heavily weighted with moochers to hasten their collapse.

8. Pull an “Atlas Shrug” if you are financially able. Retire early, close your business, stop working when you have made $250,000 each year.

9. Rich guys send your money out of the country if you haven’t already. Live overseas as well. Don’t buy luxuries, boats, etc. Don’t put on parties. Give to medical or job training charities, but avoid charities that relieve the suffering of the poor.

10. Encourage our red states to use the fair tax and other tax reforms. Get the red states to cut their safety net to the bone (or eliminate it) to encourage the moochers to move to a blue state.

I think you get the idea. The 48 percent that voted against Obama vastly outweigh the 50 percent that support him in economic terms.

Economically we can crush them. Let’s stop letting these losers of the left use the democratic process to fleece us.

Bill Gilmer

Fayetteville, Ga.