‘Our Town’ opens at Starr’s Mill tonight


The Starr’s Mill High School Advanced Drama 2 class will present Thorton Wilder’s “Our Town,” October 11, 12, 13. The play is an American classic that won the Pulitzer Prize.  It remains one of the top five plays produced among American high schools.

The play takes place at the turn of the twentieth century and centers around Emily Webb and George Gibbs.  The plot follows the citizens of the town and the blossoming romance between George and Emily.  The intent of the play is to remind the audience how precious life is and how life should not be taken for granted.

The play is narrated by the “stage manager,” Michael Houghtaling. 

“Mr. Houghtaling played this role for us ten years ago when we produced this show, and we are very fortunate that he agreed to reprise the role,”said drama teacher David Spearman. “I feel like this role has to be played by an adult; someone who has life experience,”Spearman added.

The show begins each night at 7 p.m. in the Willie Duke Auditorium at the school. Tickets are $5 for students and $10 for adults. Tickets may be purchased at the school’s front office or at the door the night of the show.