Thompson says thanks


Thank you! I humbly accept the position of Magistrate Judge. This may sound strange, but I thoroughly enjoyed the campaign process. During our campaign, we focused on a positive message for Fayette County. Our team met so many wonderful people that truly have a passion for their community. This gives me hope for our county and country.

While I have personally received numerous e-mails, phone calls, texts, and FB posts since the results, this is truly a TEAM EFFORT. I could not have achieved this result without the hard work of my wonderful family, friends, church members, and other community volunteers. I choose this photo because these people are responsible for the result tonight!

To the voters of Fayette County – Thank you for exercising your privilege to participate in a free election. We are truly blessed to live in the greatest country in the world free to vote without oppression. You voted because you care about Fayette County. Even if you did not vote for me, I still thank you for taking part in the political process. Our county, and our country, is a better place when our citizens take charge and exercise their freedom to cast ballots for their candidates.

To the other candidates and their volunteers – You are to be commended for your hard work. Whether you won the election or not, you committed yourself to representing your community. During this marathon of a campaign, I enjoyed meeting each of you and learning about your ideals, passion for serving the public, family, and spirit. When leaders are called to public service because of their commitment and heart, we all win. To those that won last night, please remember that we are public servants . . . not the other way around.

To my supporters – I cannot thank you enough. I take this honor seriously. When I made personal phone calls to the voters, or went door to door, every time I heard “Your [former math teacher, legal colleague, parent from the soccer team, former client] already told us about you. You have my support” . . . it kept me going when the campaign fatigue usually sets in. But I STILL need your help. As you drive around Fayette County the next few days, please pull over and pick up a sign. If you have one in your yard, please remove it. Once you have the signs, you can drop them off at my office or you can contact me so that they can be picked up. Fayette County is a beautiful community, so let’s do our part by picking up those signs. You can remove the magnets now. You can either drop them off, or I can pick them up.

Why did it take me over 4 hours to send this message? I wanted to reflect on the whole campaign for a bit. As I drove around picking up signs this morning, I thought about all the positives, negatives, challenges, and successes of a campaign. Would I do it again? You bet. My only regret? Running a marathon campaign takes away so much time from the family . . . and family is first. So, if you need me for the next 4 days . . . forget about it. I’ve already packed the car up and we’re going to the beach. And I promised the kids we’re going to spoil them crazy!!

Jason B. Thompson
Fayette County Magistrate Judge Candidate