Silly String incident vs. citizenship model


How sad for us all that a public display of intolerance can so easily be cloaked under the guise of politics, patriotism and freedom of speech.

What are we teaching our children through our words, our actions, our complicity? That it’s okay to lob candy, insults or Silly String at another person?

It’s not. Pure and simple. The ammunition may appear benign; however, the delivery method and intention behind it are toxic to our children and society as a whole.

A child doesn’t distinguish between Left and Right. They seek our approval and blossom under the blanket of it, regardless of subject.

So we best take a hard, critical look at what behaviors we are modeling ourselves and endorsing in our kids. Do these actions foster acceptance, tolerance and respect for others or breed malice and contempt?

A favorite educator of mine at a nearby elementary school coined a phrase to describe students who exhibit good work habits, responsible behavior and strength of character as a “solid citizen.”

Let’s model what we dream of our children becoming. Solid citizens.

Regina McKenzie

Peachtree City, Ga.