Coweta roads to get rehab work


Nearly a dozen roads across Coweta County will soon get some needed repair work. The Coweta County Commission on July 10 approved a $2.98 million bid to perform full-depth reclamation and other rehabilitation road work.

The bid by E.R. Snell totaling $2,984,841 and funded through the county’s 1-cent sales tax (SPLOST) was the lowest of the three bids received.

The work will consist of full depth reclamation, patching, crack relief interlayer and plant mix resurfacing, according to county Development and Engineering director Wayne Kennedy.

The work will include various portions of the following: Cannon Road, Fischer Road, Major Road, Green Top Road, Sanders Davis Road, Belk Road, Old Corinth Road (two locations), Hal Jones Road, Griffin Drive, Kelsey Way and South Robin Lane.