Ognio: Hearn has voted to raise your taxes, fees


I first want to respond to Commissioner Hearn’s letter of May 29, 2012. He stated, “A careful look at your tax bill will find that your county taxes have come down the past three years because your assessed value of your home has come down.”

I’m not real sure what he wants to take credit for here. Is he trying to take credit for your property value going down? He cannot take credit for your taxes going down because he voted to increase the millage rate to the General Fund and the Fire Fund.

Along with those increases, if you look closely, you will notice a new E-911 tax. He voted for all this and it passed with a 3 to 2 vote.

If that was not enough, then he voted for a stormwater fee to be added to all property owners. Why a fee and not a tax? Because if it is called a fee, churches will not be exempt. The stormwater fee passed and goes in effect this year.

Commissioner Hearn said he does not support transit. When Jack Smith was chairman and voting with the ARC for transit, Commissioner Hearn did not speak out against it. At the March 2, 2011 workshop meeting Commissioner Hearn voted against a resolution that would keep transit out of Fayette County.

Commissioner Hearn said he is unhappy with the TIA/Transportation SPLOST, but he did not say he was against it even knowing that 52 percent of the funds will go to transit. I guess the citizens will have to decide what they think his position is.

Now I want to turn my attention to my other opponent. I don’t know anything about this person. I have looked back through the commissioner meeting minutes and cannot find this person’s name where they have spoken up on any issue.

So I don’t know what this person stands for or what their goals are for the county. This person openly admitted not ever attending a County Commission meeting. So, what is the motive here?

Citizens, please take time to look back through the minutes. You will find my name many times stating what I stand for … and against.

My message to the citizens is please research the candidates and vote July 31st. Better yet, vote early on July 9th. Visit my website and learn more about me — www.ognioforcommissioner.com.

Please check it out.

Randy C. Ognio

Candidate for Commissioner Post 3


Fayetteville, Ga.