FFUMC starts summer VBS June 25


Fayetteville first United Methodist Church will have summer Vacation Bible School June 25-29 from 9 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. The theme this year is “Praise! Where Kids Get Down and Lift God High.”

Children ages three (as of Jan. 1, 2012) through fifth grade (recently completed) are invited.

Activities will include skits, karaoke, crafts, snacks, games and music, with the atmosphere centering on break-dancing, hip-hop and dance.

The cost is $10 per child and includes t-shirt and music CD.

Registration forms are available on the website (www.fayettevillefirst.com), at the kiosks, and from the Welcome Center.

FFUMC is in downtown Fayetteville across the street from the old Fayette County Courthouse.