Career fair returns to Booth Middle School


Students at J.C. Booth Middle got a glimpse into some possible future careers at the school’s first career fair in about eight years.

The fair was for eighth grade students to help them begin thinking about what they want to do with their futures and they steps they will need to take to get there, starting with choices they will begin making in high school next year.

The school’s counselor, Lynda Manwaring, brought the fair back to the school this year instead of participating in the county-wide eighth grade career fair that is held in February and open to all eighth graders in the school system.

“We decided to bring it home this year so that students could have better access to representatives from occupations that interest them, and have more time to talk with them and learn about their field,” says Manwaring.

Over 40 members from the community volunteered their time to talk about their fields, and the education and training it took for them to accomplish their professional goals. Career fields included interior design, entrepreneurship, medicine, law, architecture, technology, modeling, and a number of other areas.