Austin Quinn attains rank of Eagle Scout


Austin Quinn, from Venture Crew 911, attained the Boy Scouts highest rank of Eagle Scout earlier this year. His hard work and tenacity earned him this prestigious award during this Centennial year of the first Eagle Scout.

As a part of the overall commitment to Scouting, Austin has been formally trained in leadership skills in the National Youth Leadership program, Order of the Arrow as well as Brotherhood of the Arrow. These programs as well as numerous leadership roles throughout his Scouting career has prepared Austin to be one of tomorrow’s great leaders.

Austin started his Boy Scout experience at the age of 11 with Troop 770 in Newtown, Connecticut. The mentors he has been aligned to in both Connecticut and Georgia have helped him to this honorable achievement and he is forever grateful for their support and guidance.

Memorable experiences in Scouting include real winter Klondikes in the Northeast, many Boy Scout camps, and numerous adventures in nature without boundaries. The camaraderie and fellowship he has formed with Scouts all over will help him develop strong teams of good men to solve tomorrow’s challenges.

Austin’s Eagle Scout project to replace Wood Duck houses on Rockspray Pond demonstrates his compassion for nature and preservation. A hearty thank-you to Robert Mucklow for his sponsorship with this project as well as his moral support.

Austin is a graduating Senior at Starr’s Mill High School and is an active member of the SMHS Camerata Men’s Chorus. He is the son of David and Shayla Quinn of Fayetteville, Ga.