Hearn: ‘I support roads, bridges,’ but not transit


I have enjoyed serving as your District 3 Commissioner for the past three-plus years. A careful look at your tax bill will find that your county taxes have come down the past three years because your assessed value of your home has come down.

This also means that your county has less money to provide services with. We continue to fund the Sheriff’s Office and all other government services with your tax dollars. Your current commission continues to manage your tax dollars well during these times of declining revenues.

I do support smart growth. Smart growth is growth that conforms to our current land use plan. Smart growth wouldn’t overload our road network, water system or our school system.

I do not support high density development as that would destroy our wonderful way of life in Fayette County.

I do support transportation improvements which would include new bike lanes, new cart paths plus road and bridge improvements.

I do not support transit for Fayette County. It saddens me when my challenger says otherwise.

I am unhappy with the TIA/Transportation SPLOST. There is simply too much money going toward transit.

Fayette County does have some good projects that would be funded if the TIA passes: Improvements at I-85 and SR 74, Widening of SR 54 from McDonough Road to 19/41 in Clayton County, the East Fayetteville Bypass, widening of SR 85 south of Fayetteville, MacDuff Parkway, to name a few.

It will be up to the voters to decide if they are interested in funding these improvements with a TSPLOST.

I believe it is very important that we have positive leadership during these tough times. My grandmother grew up on Grooms Road in Brooks and I have a strong love for our county.

I want Fayette County to continue to be a great place to live, work and play for generations to come. I am committed to working positively for our county.

Thank you again for allowing me to serve as your Fayette County District 3 commissioner.

Lee Hearn

[email protected]

Brooks, Ga.