Tyrone First Christian will kick off VBS with carnival June 10


The First Christian Church of Tyrone is getting ready for its Vacation Bible School which will be June 10 through June 15.

The theme for the school is: “The Sky — Everything Is Possible With God.”

Coordinator Sue Roberts has been busy organizing volunteers, gathering supplies and scheduling events.

About 100 children are expected to attend the school which will be kicked off in a carnival on June 10 from 4 through 6 p.m.

Roberts says the carnival is planned to be a fun-filled activity that will include inflatables, a water slide, a rock-climbing wall, a dunking machine and much more.

She has posted a long list of supplies that are needed to support the school.

The list of needed items ranges from aluminum foil, to balloons, to bed sheets, to masking tape. Assistant Sandy Smith at 770-855-6024 is the contact for donations.

First Christian is at 294 Jenkins Road. For more information call the office at 770-969-7346.