Commission candidates Ognio and Barlow far from ‘mediocre’


In reply to “We should not settle to mediocre candidates” by Scott Fabricius and his one particular comment and I quote, “However, is anyone truly inspired or excited by those that have already announced their candidacies?”

Well, Scott, the answer to that question is, “Yes.” I am very excited and I support whole-heartedly Randy Ognio and David Barlow.

Why? Because these two gentlemen have had enough of bad decision-making that has negatively impacted us all. They both have attended all commission meetings and have raised great questions and have written articles to enlighten us citizens with what’s truly going on in our local political arena.

Here are just a few that I can recall while writing this letter: no transparency, another year of deficit budgeting, east bypass, west bypass and its next phases, 2012 sales tax referendum for regional transportation projects, not being fiscally responsible with our tax dollars, and, let’s not forget, the marijuana “situation” with one of our commissioners. I could go on and on.

I find that the two candidates I mention, who are running against Hearn and Frady, have Christian faith-based morals and a sense of pride for our county and for the USA. They will “do the right thing for the citizens.” They both seem to have a grip on knowing what to fix and how to fix it.

I personally agree with both of them. The reason that I do is because I have done my research and I have personally spoken with both of them. They both will represent Fayette County with no personal agenda of their own. I suggest you at least review their websites to find out for yourself.

I have lived in Fayette County since 1986. I feel this pain that so many of us have now and it makes me angry and I have awakened and will not be afraid any longer to speak out.

I agree, Scott, “clear the shelves in 2012” by ousting Hearn and Frady and electing Randy Ognio and David Barlow. Of course, everyone should do their own research before making a voting decision.

I have included Randy and David’s website links for convenience and you can also research through this newspaper in Letters to the Editor. You may just find that these two candidates have the capability and true desire turn Fayette County around. Oh, and that they don’t represent the mediocrity you wrote about.

Scott, would you consider running as a candidate yourself?

Randy Ognio, and David Barlow,

Cherie Werginz

Fayetteville, Ga.