Booth defends state title at Science Olympiad


The winning streak remains unbroken by the J.C. Booth Middle Science Olympiad Team. For the 13th consecutive year, the team has clinched the state championship and is heading to the National Science Olympiad as one of two teams representing Georgia in the tournament.

This year marks Booth’s 19th trip to the national competition. Last year the team finished third in the nation.

The team had a close competition with Fulton Science Academy (second place finishers) as they battled for their first place victory. The 15-member team made up of 7th and 8th graders, as well as several 9th graders from McIntosh High, competed in 23 challenging events in the areas of technology and engineering; earth and space science; physical, social and life science; chemistry; and scientific inquiry.

Team members include 9th graders Cole Davis, Drew Ludwick, Nathan Hung, Arin Stowman, and Larkin Morris; 8th graders Rachel Anders, Simone Brown, Marina Haldopoulos, Josh Trebuchon, Julie Lim, Lauren Siegel, Natasha McCluhan, and Amelia Traylor; and 7th graders Jiaxing Liu and Jonathan Nase.

Science teacher Tammy Pakulski is the team’s coach.