‘Monster’ Obama betrays Catholics


Several weeks ago I wrote a letter praising the Obama administration for denying approval to sell Plan B over the counter without age restriction. I did this in the spirit of true compromise, of finding common ground with my political opponents, a theme oft spoken of by Obama in his 2008 campaign.

How stupid and naive I feel now. Obama is now requiring all organizations except strictly religious institutions (meaning, churches themselves) to provide free insurance coverage for contraception, sterilization, and abortifacient drugs like Plan B.

We can’t even get free coverage for our children’s basic medical needs, but now we have to pay for any person who wants to treat pregnancy, which is a true blessing, like a disease to be eliminated or avoided.

And, the millions of dollars generated by this policy will flow freely into the coffers of the companies that make these drugs. I guess the maker of Plan B feels they are getting the last laugh.

Granted, this is not the first time I’ve felt betrayed by Obama. He is a man whose actions frequently contradict his promises, whether you’re on the right or left. But this latest act is a full-in attack of religious liberty.

While I’m sure many of you don’t agree with Catholic teaching on contraception, I’m sure most of you would agree that Catholic institutions have a right to their beliefs and should not be forced to violate their beliefs in the provision of healthcare.

I am confident this diktat will be overruled on constitutional grounds, but the betrayal I now feel by our president, government, and the Democratic Party in general is one that I think I will never recover from.

Catholics who voted for this monster should really think twice about this next election, now that we’ve seen his true stripes.

Trey Hoffman

Peachtree City, Ga.