Kiwanis pancake breakfast this Saturday


Over 150,000! That’s the number of pancakes consumed by hungry participants over the past 19 years during Kiwanis Pancake Saturday. Now it’s time to add to that number. On Saturday, January 28 the Kiwanis Club of Peachtree City presents its 20th annual Pancake Saturday, touted by many as “Peachtree City’s Premier Mid-Winter Social Event.” Approximately 3,000 people are expected to attend.

The function will be held in the cafeteria of McIntosh High School on Walt Banks Road.  Serving hours are from 7 a.m.-1 p.m. The all-you-can-eat menu consists of fluffy pancakes, zesty sausage, orange juice, milk, coffee and tea. The cost is $6 per person. Kids under 3 eat for free. Takeouts are available as well as plenty of free parking. Tickets are available from Kiwanis members or may be purchased at the door. Should snow or ice conditions exist, the event will be held the following Saturday.

The occasion is a family affair with an emphasis on entertaining children. Of course adults will also have a great time visiting with friends and neighbors. Clowns from New Hope Baptist Church will make balloon animals and provide their usual antics for the guests. Helium-filled balloons will also be distributed by youthful volunteers. Free face-painting will be provided by Key Club members from area high schools. A pancake eating contest for kids under 12 will be held around 11 a.m. with the winner receiving a Target gift card.  Flapjack the Raccoon, the Kiwanis mascot, will keep a close lookout for curious kids. Various Police and Fire Department vehicles will be parked outside for children (and adults, too) to investigate. Among the vehicles are fire trucks, the Public Education Unit fire safety bus, a police squad car, and the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) trailer.

All profits generated by ticket sales will be returned to the area through charitable donations and community service projects. Among many projects oriented towards our youth, the Kiwanis Club is proud to be the sole sponsor of the D.A.R.E. drug awareness program for fifth graders in six Peachtree City elementary schools. The Kiwanis motto is “Serving The Children Of The World.” To see photos from last year’s pancake extravaganza visit the following website: