Concerned with character of camp condemners


I’m not speaking for brownie points. I am speaking my opinion. I strongly feel if you do not live on Arnold Road, you are indirectly affected and would recommend if you do not have anything remotely good to say, consider politely excusing yourself.

If you do not have children, you cannot possibly comprehend; consider refraining and politely excuse yourself. With that being said, if you live on Arnold Road and you lack having kind things to say in support of the camp, I recommend choosing your words tactfully and wisely; you are stepping on peoples’ hearts.

I have to admit, I find it highly disturbing with publicity that has been written that included a “so called” assumption for all the residents established on Arnold Road. I’m not fond of people placing judgment, to include if you are indirectly affected.

My personal thoughts, look at the advertising, camp flyers, website. This is a “diagram” of this man’s heart. This exemplifies his character in black and white.

I’m highly concerned with the character of people that condemn this good deed. Look at the alternatives: “any” person could have come in, established an apartment complex or rather built numerous homes, without your acknowledgment, which would only decrease property value, increase crime, etc.

This is a good man trying to implement a good deed. It’s not benefiting him and it’s costing him. The intended purpose is to benefit kids, kids that need this.

If you have healthy children, then we should be thanking God for the blessings, but you cannot comprehend the needs of “special” children, emotional disturbances, etc. If you had a “needy” child, you would want this, I would hope, and would be thanking Zac Brown for it.

If more people did good deeds such as this, we would have a little bit of heaven on earth instead of hell.

Shantyl Stevens

Fayetteville, Ga.