Brown’s ‘camp’ will destroy residents’ peace


I am writing about the rezoning Thursday, Nov. 3, of property on Ebenezer Church Road from agriculture to commercial.

To say I am mad would be putting it lightly. Back in 1964 we sold a house in the city of Atlanta and purchased a house on Ebenezer Church Road to give our children a wholesome, quiet life without the traffic and noise of Atlanta. Every house on Ebenezer Church Road are families that have lived here for years, some passing the property down from parents to children.

Now let’s talk about the great and wonderful Zac Brown, who moved into our peaceful quiet neighborhood and has single-handedly in a year set out to destroy our way of life.

He is building a day camp that will back up to homes on Ebenezer Church Road. The camp will bring 300 cars or more down our roads daily. Cars will enter from Ebenezer Church Road and exit on Arnold Road. Family after family’s peace and quiet is being destroyed by a man with a few bucks to buy whatever he wants with no respect for the people who have lived here for years.

This camp that Zac Brown is stuffing down our throats has made most of the people out here irate, and we are not defeated yet. If the plans for this camp goes through, when the camp is being built, our roads, that our taxes paid for will be torn up with trucks running up and down the road.

His camp will be a tax-free operation, so it’s no skin off his back then when the camp is complete the traffic will affect Redwine Road, Ebenezer Road and Ebenezer Church Road. So try getting to work on time with two or three hundred cars on the road, and the same effect in the afternoon with people trying to get home.

Our road is already a race track for people from Peachtree City using it to go to Fayetteville. The people in office who voted for this rezoning will be on a list for a no vote at election time.

Zac, take your band and your money and build a camp next to the people who were at the rezoning voicing a yes for the camp. NONE of them live out here where it will affect them, who will buy homes out here with not only the noise from the camp, but the disruption it will cause for our peace and quiet. One couple will have a parking lot for 200 cars at their back door.

You made a statement at the rezoning that God was good for giving you the opportunity to build your camp. What about all the people who have built homes out here whose way of life is being destroyed? Do you want us to believe that God didn’t give us the ability to build our homes? The new tag on my vehicle says, “In God we trust.”

Your statement reminds me of people who go on television after a tornado destroys homes and kills people, and the person whose home was left standing says God was so good to us. What do they want us to think — God was unkind to the people, homes and lives that were destroyed? I don’t think so.

I think Zac Brown and his camp could find property in an area that wouldn’t affect the houses and people around it.

Hit the road, Zac, and don’t come back.

There is an old saying: “Money talks, and we also know what walks.”

Not a happy camper,

LeGay Saul

Fayetteville, Ga.