Choruses to perform 9-11 tribute at joint concert Thursday


As a Fayette County Sherriff’s department helicopter hovered overhead and classmates formed a human peace sign, the 189-member Rising Starr Middle School Chorus honored the victims and heroes of 9-11 by singing the Star-Spangled Banner. This tribute was the first in a series of choral performances that will honor our country or memorialize the attacks of September 11th, 2001. The eighth-grade mixed chorus joined the SMHS combined chorus in singing the National Anthem during the Starr’s Mill home football game last Friday. On Thursday at 7 p.m. the RSMS chorus will join voices with the six SMHS choirs to observe the tenth anniversary of 9-11.

“Though most of the middle school students were only toddlers during 9-11, it’s important that they understand and recognize the impact of the events of that day,” said Christy Todd, who began her tenure as RSMS Choral Director this school year.

The September 29 concert, which will honor the memory of the 9-11 victims, is free and open to the public. Dr. John Odom, SMHS Choral Director, spoke about the unique program for the joint event: “One of the songs we’re most excited to sing was composed specifically to commemorate the events of September 11th. We are honored to be performing it for our audience.” The concert will be held at the SMHS auditorium on September 29 at 7 p.m.

The RSMS chorus is recruiting new members and beginning new traditions this year under the direction of Mrs. Todd, former Assistant Choral Director at SMHS. “Dr. Odom and I are taking advantage of our prior working relationship to establish true unity between the choirs of Rising Starr and Starr’s Mill,” said Todd. “Our joint concerts this year will showcase the fact that though we might be housed in two schools, we are truly one choir, serving children in grades 6-12.”

The community can help support the growing RSMS chorus by attending upcoming events or purchasing poinsettias for their homes, churches, or businesses. Sales will begin in October, with delivery scheduled the first week in December. Prices will range from $12 – $16. Forty percent of the profit goes directly to the Rising Starr Choral Department. Please contact RSMS Choral President Alison Balkovetz at [email protected] for more information.