PTC needs ‘plastic bag’ law for dog gifts


As the crow flies, the distance from my back door, to the cart path is about the same distance as from the goal post to the 50-yard line.

No referee would be needed to come to the conclusion that my back yard sometimes has the aroma of a cow barn. Many people in PTC have dogs, and I have yet to see more that one dog walker in a hundred with a plastic bag hanging out his back pocket.

All along the cart path system, should someone be walking on the paved path, then venture off on the grassy edge, they could possibly end up with dog poop on their shoes. Children swim in Lake Peachtree, little realizing that a hard rain will, and has, drained dog poop residue into the lake.

I like dogs, and have had two while living in PTC, and my pets always used my fenced-in back yard to relieve themselves. And about three times weekly, I was in the back yard with a scooper and a plastic bag.

I would like to know how other people feel about this; Seems to me that PTC needs a “Plastic Bag” law, for dog walkers. It would be a doggone good law.

Hugh Buchanan

Peachtree City, Ga.