PTC warning: don’t ‘brown bag’ your booze at local businesses


Peachtree City officials are warning residents that it remains illegal to bring their own alcohol to city establishments, a process known as “brown bagging.”

City ordinance forbids anyone bringing their own alcohol to any business that provides food or entertainment, officials said. There is one notable exception:

the city-operated Frederick Brown Jr. Amphitheater, where customers can bring alcohol to concerts and certain other events.

The distinction is that at the amphitheater concerts, paid police officers are on duty providing security, the city has indicated.

Brown bagging has come to the forefront recently as the city noticed two advertisements for recently-opened businesses encouraging customers to bring their own wine for an evening event, according to a city notice. City officials notified both businesses that the practice is illegal.

Anyone caught brown bagging in violation of the ordinance can be issued a citation, according to the city. Officials are encouraging residents to notify such businesses they should stop brown bagging immediately and should contact City Hall to make sure they are complying with the city’s alcohol laws.