Woolsey Baptist youth complete mission in Seville, Spain


Woolsey Baptist Youth Josh Akin, Jessie Goergen, Sarah Georgen, Tori James and Brooke Rampy with then Youth Minister Jeremy Davidson and his wife, Tracy, shared the gospel in Seville, Spain June 25 through July 2. They were among 40 persons from three churches on the Spain Mission Trip. There were three crews with 10 in each one who shared testimonies.

During the trip, the group performed surveys, distributed water and shared a message from the Gospel of John.

“For some, this was the first copy of John they’ve seen,” a church spokesperson said.

ESL and other activities were conducted Monday through Thursday. Tuesday through Thursday was Family Night with face painting and other family activities. A Fourth of July celebration was held on Friday.

Seville is the third largest city in Spain with a population of 1.2 million. There is one Baptist and one planted church in the city.

The trip was the first overseas mission trip for the Woolsey Youth. Davidson stated that this is one of the best mission trips he’s been on. He thanked the church for letting them represent Woolsey Baptist.