PTC may duck millage rate hike


Peachtree City may get by without a millage rate increase this year after all.

The first draft of the $28 million budget recommended by City Manager Jim Pennington had contained a .098 mill increase to counteract the decreased property values and thus give the city an amount of property taxes almost identical to this year’s take.

However, at Monday night’s budget workshop, Pennington will present an amended budget that eliminates any millage rate increase.

If the City Council sticks with that proposal, it means that residents whose property values didn’t decrease much if at all will avoid a tax increase.

Furthermore, the amended budget will increase the projected amount of the city’s fund balance at year’s end by some $261,000 for a total of $1.09 million.

Monday’s meeting is slated for 6:30 p.m. at City Hall.

But Councilman Eric Imker was scheduled to host an informal meeting with the public about the budget Saturday morning at City Hall.
Imker said he wants to discuss with the public a variety of budget topics including “needed city services, infrastructure repairs, employee headcount and benefits, city cash reserves, tax millage rates, etc.”

The budget recommended by City Manager Jim Pennington includes a one-time 2 percent bonus for city employees as an incentive.

Imker subsequently recommended the city distribute the bonuses at the same amount to each employee since all are affected by higher food, gas and other prices no matter what salary they make.

That issue is expected to be hashed out by council at its workshop Monday night.


CORRECTED 07-11-11 to reflect the Imker meeting that happened before the story was posted.