A McIntosh junior decides to ditch GaGa


This morning, I decided to surf iTunes in search of some new, upbeat music to add to my beaten and shorted iPod Nano, so I quickly browsed the top download section in case there was something new or interesting, and quickly I noticed that Lady GaGa was, once again, the top single on iTunes. I became wary the instant I saw the title name: “Judas.”

Six months ago, I was an avid Lady GaGa fan. Her music was catchy, her style was extremely unique, and her lyrics were, well, provocative to say the least, but overlookable. My iPod was loaded with songs like “Just Dance,” “Love Game,” “Telephone,” “Poker Face,” “Alejandro,” and “Bad Romance.” What a fresh, new pop icon!

Her music videos were definitely strange, but I assumed that was her style, and it wasn’t harming anyone. My first shock truly came from her “Alejandro” music video. This disturbing video portrayed her in a sinister, sexual, satanic way that honestly made my spine crawl as I watched her half-naked with a leash tied around a man, completely missing what I thought the message of the song was. If I was so off-base, what is she metaphorically singing about?

My faith in GaGa hit rock bottom after hearing “Born This Way” and watching the accompanying music video. The hypocrisy is outrageous. Here she is, preaching that everyone was born a certain way while I am watching a starved body in her underwear with bleached blonde hair and covered in make-up interlaced with vulgar images of women’s ovaries.

I refused to listen to the song any longer. Not only because of the cheap lyrics and the hypocrisy of GaGa, but also from its play off of one of my favorite artists: Madonna.

So, this morning, with extreme caution, I clicked on her new single “Judas,” and was completely blown away. Such satanic propaganda being at the top of the iTunes charts honestly hurt my heart as to what Americans were supporting.

By buying and supporting this song, America is supporting the recitation of lyrics such as “I’m in love with Judas” and other lines relating the downfall of Jesus by adults, teens, and even children listening to this song on the radio, where I am sure it will soon appear.

Even if it is a metaphor for the betrayal of a man and not literally Judas, this idea is not apparent from her lyrics. Also, a less offensive metaphor would have suited just fine if that was really the idea she was trying to portray, but then that wouldn’t be as shocking and she might even make a little less money.

In an effort to extract more income out of her off-beat style, she has moved from a shocking artist to a fabricated fraud, pretending to be reaching new heights of artistic self-expression. I no longer find her believable.

It appears more and more to be a manufactured production, without compromise or consideration, with the sole purpose of “one-upping” the previous attempt and getting those shock-value sales.

Well, it worked. I have started this day shocked and disturbed. I am shocked by the offensive material that Lady GaGa consistently now pushes into our path and disturbed by the amount of support “Judas” has received from America.

The more support this type of music receives, the more music of this genre will be put on the radios; the lyrics and message will soon be ingrained in the hearts and minds of its listeners.

Maybe one day there will be no new plateau to reach in offending Christians and we can move on to offending some other group for more shock value and more money.

Personally, I have decided to no longer support Lady GaGa music, in hopes that others will do the same to stop the absurdity. If society deems this song to be acceptable, how truly low has America’s morality bar been set? Is our moral compass so warped that we select our musical entertainment by shock value and interesting beats alone with no regard whatsoever for the message?

Mine’s not. Is yours?

Rachel Pullias

Peachtree City, Ga.

[Rachel is a junior at McIntosh High School.]