PTC using video cameras, puts ‘eyes’ on rec sites, paths


Most likely you haven’t seen them, but they see you.

Peachtree City is using remote video cameras to keep an eye on remote areas of the cart path, and also to keep vandals at bay, particularly at recreation sites, officials said last week.

The video cameras are portable so they can be set up surreptitiously and moved wherever the need arises. They can be monitored remotely via a live feed, and they also have the capability of downloading recorded footage over a period of time, officials said.

On the recreation side, the parks monitor can use the live video feed to look in at a particular park while he is at another location, Information Technology Director Matt Robinson told the City Council last week.

The remote cameras used by the police department typically focus on areas of the path system that are hard to patrol regularly, said Police Chief H.C. “Skip” Clark.

The portability is a good feature to have for the recreation department, because the cameras can be moved to monitor certain areas as problems arise, said Leisure Services Director Randy Gaddo.