Peachtree City UPDATES – Week of March 28, 2011


Great PTC Path Cleanup call for volunteers, 2011 Peachtree City Resident Survey results, building permit fees, and more . . .

Volunteers Needed on May 7 for the Great PTC Path Cleanup
Mark your calendars! On Saturday, May 7, Peachtree City and Keep Peachtree City Beautiful will be holding a community-wide litter cleanup of the path system between 9:00 a.m. and noon. In preparation for the cleanup, Peachtree City has been divided into zones around City parks that will serve as both meeting locations for volunteer groups and litter drop-off stations. Visit for more information on the event and to sign up.

NOTE: Peachtree City’s annual Spring Cleanup, where larger items will be accepted at the PTC Recycling Center, will also be the weekend of May 7 & 8. More information on this event next week.

Meet Your Code Enforcement Officers tomorrow!
Peachtree City Code Enforcement will give a presentation to citizens who want to learn more about City Codes, violations, and ask questions. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 29, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m., in City Council Chambers at City Hall, and light refreshments will be served.

Peachtree City Survey Results
The results of Peachtree City’s 2011 Resident Survey are in and have been posted on Peachtree City’s web site at, along with the results from 2009 and 2010. We had 1,936 responses this year, a new high, with all but 100 of them submitted online. Staff is still collating the individual comments, which will be forwarded to the appropriate departments once completed. More information on common questions and concerns will be included in future issues of UPDATES.

Garbage & Recycling – Survey Says, “Some Confusion”
One of the first survey topics we will cover relates to garbage and recycling. Over 96% of respondents indicated they have curbside garbage collection, but only 62% participate in curbside recycling. Of the 595 respondents who have curbside garbage but do NOT recycle, 22% recycle elsewhere, 18% believe it costs extra to add recycling, 15% were unaware of the program, and five percent believe they must sort the items. To clarify, Peachtree City requires all companies who provide curbside garbage service to include recycling in the base cost. So adding recycling is FREE! Contact your garbage company to have a container delivered. They will provide a list of recyclables, which do not have to be sorted. Please make sure your neighbors know as well.

NOTE: Peachtree City has received some calls about garbage companies increasing fees or adding a fuel charge based on the higher gas prices. Under the open franchise with the City, all garbage companies set their own rates, but must include recycling in the base rate. The current listing of rates provided to the City is available at

Building Permit Fees Changing April 4
On February 17, 2011, Council adopted a new fee structure for Peachtree City’s building and inspection permits. The fees will go into effect for all permits obtained on April 4, 2011, or later. Peachtree City requires a building permit to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure. Individual permits are also required when changing any electrical, gas, mechanical, or plumbing system, replacing siding or roofs, or building a fence or swimming pool. More information is available at

Project Updates:

Highway 54 West Traffic Delays – The City has received some complaints from residents about recent delays on Highway 54 West. Staff contacted the Georgia Department of Transportation (DOT), who indicates that there may be damage to the signal timing loop for the area from a construction project in Coweta County at the intersections of Highways 54 and 34, and that permanent repairs cannot be made until that construction is complete.

Highway 74 South Widening – The DOT reports the project is on schedule for completion by December 31, 2011.

Highway 74 North Water Line Easement Clearing – This week, the Fayette County Water Department will be clearing the water line easement along S.R. 74 north for maintenance purposes. Residents whose property abuts or contains the easement should have received a letter from Fayette County about the project.

Lake McIntosh Burning – Fayette County has advised that the contractor will begin burning this week through April 30, conditions permitting. Any remaining burning will resume October 1 when the state outdoor burning ban is lifted. Fayette County indicates the type of burning they are doing, which is on the Coweta County portion of the property, should not create problems with smoke. Residents who do have complaints about smoke should contact the Fayette County Water System at 770-461-1146 or .

Path Connection to K-MART closed for reconstruction – Path #803 behind K-Mart at Braelinn Village Shopping Center is still under construction and will be closed when crews are working. Path users can still access the shopping center via other connections behind the center.

Rite Aid /Whitlock Ellis entrance from Peachtree Parkway will have intermittent CLOSURES during construction of the Walgreens at Highway 54 and Peachtree Parkway. Access from Highway 54 will remain open. Path access via the Walgreens site remains closed.

Don’t Forget . . .

Respectful Divorce Workshop Part I – Monday, March 28, 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. at The Gathering Place. Free, two-part informational workshop, part one entitled “Working through it, to the Courts.”

Meet Your Code Enforcement Officers – Tuesday, March 29, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m., in City Council Chambers at City Hall. The public is welcome.

PTC Geography Bee – Thursday, March 31, 6:30 p.m., at City Hall. For third through eighth graders, cost to compete is $15 for Fayette County residents, $17.50 for non-county residents. Visit for more information and to register.

Fayette Youth Power Parade – March 29 – April 1. The 20th Annual Fayette Youth Power Parade will be held in all 17 elementary schools in Fayette County. Over 9,000 students will participate in raising funds for Fayette Youth Protection Home. Students will solicit pledges in the community and “earn” their money by participating in a daily walk-a-thon held during Physical Education classes. Visit for more information.

American Red Cross Blood Drive – Friday, April 1, 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., at The Gathering Place, 203 McIntosh Trail. The event is held on the first Friday of each month.

Peachtree City’s Got Talent Show – Friday, April 1, 7:00 p.m., at Glenloch Recreation Center on Stevens Entry. For performers ages Elementary School to 21. There is no charge to perform, and all talents are welcome. Register at Admission for spectators is $2, with all proceeds going to the PTC Youth Council.

Lunch & Learn: Building Permits & Inspections – Friday, April 8, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., in the Floy Farr Room of the PTC Library. Homeowners, builders, contractors, and developers are invited to meet with the City’s building inspections contractor, SAFEBuilt, and ask questions. For more information, please visit R.S.V.P. by Friday, April 1 to 770-487-8901 or