Churchill’s great-grandson: Come to London, FCHS Chorus


Sir Winston Churchill’s great-grandson, Duncan Sandys, and also the Lord Mayor of the city of Westminster in London, made a personal appearance at Fayette County High School Friday to invite the school’s chorus to perform in the London International Choral Festival taking place in London, England Dec. 27, 2011 through Jan. 4, 2012.

The choral festival is being held in conjunction with the London New Year’s Parade, according to school system spokesperson Melinda Berry-Dreisbach.

Choral students assembled to witness the invitation were told this will be the first official event in Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee Celebration, honoring 60 years on the throne. This milestone will also mark the first official event leading up to London hosting the 2012 Olympics, Berry-Dreisbach said.

As the Queen’s representative, Lord Mayor Sandys serves in a largely ceremonial role as the “First Citizen” of the city of Westminster, an inner London borough that occupies much of the central area of London.

At the age of 35, Sandys is the youngest person to achieve the high office. Lord Mayor Sandys works hard to maintain the memory of his great-grandfather Sir Winston, who led the Allies to victory in World War II, the students were told.

During his comments to the assembled students and staff Sandys noted that he had a special connection to Georgia because his wife is from Macon.

After delivering the official invitation, Lord Mayor Sandys presented several gifts to school officials including the Coat of Arms of the City of Westminster to Fayette County High School Principal Charles Warr and a set of etched Westminster crystal tumblers to Choral Director Richard Prouty, Berry-Dreisbach said.