F’ville adopts language change for downtown projects


The Fayetteville City Council on Feb. 17 voted to amend portions of the language included in the Planned Community Development (PCD) and Downtown Commercial District (C-1) zoning codes. The changes were made to clarify the city’s intent as it relates to downtown commercial projects.

City planner Linwood Robinson in an earlier letter said the proposal to amend the ordinance would allow developers the ability to create a PCD with a “mixed use” assignment of development uses defined as residential, commercial and office uses along with any designated open space and recreational amenities.

The change was proposed because some language contained in the ordinance conflicted with the city’s stated policy goals for mixed use development because it refers to the assignment of designations of uses separately or as separate uses for a master plan rather than assigning uses such as “mixed use” as the city’s development policy intends, Robinson said.

The proposal, along with the one for the C-1 zoning district, came from a recommendation from the Atlanta Regional Commission following a 2009 audit of the city’s planning goals contained in the 20-year Comprehensive Plan. Robinson said the ARC review, the “City of Fayetteville Quality Growth Audit,” included documents such as the city’s zoning ordinance, Comprehensive Plan, LCI Plan and Development Guide.

The proposed amendment for the C-1 zoning district essentially involved a name change to Downtown Historic Mixes Use District. Robinson said change stemmed from recommendations from the audit.

“Although this amendment consists of a simple name change of the zoning district, the rationale is that the proposed name would better suit the needs of and conform to current growth and development patterns in our downtown historic area,” Robinson said.