COS Children’s Christmas musical set for this Sunday


Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church will present a children’s Christmas musical on Sunday, Dec. 5, in the sanctuary at 6 p.m.

“The Best Christmas Present Ever” tells the story of a group of children who plan a birthday party for Jesus, and then try to publicize it on television.

The cast is headlined by Emily McDowell, Natalie Robichaux, Lindsey Poff, Morgan Wiese, Jessica Knowles, Ansley Jacobson, Ashleigh Shriner, Michael King, Carson Robichaux, and Cassie Crosby.

The Wise Men are portrayed by Joshua Hiatt, Nolan Robichaux, Hunter Watson, and Colin Comiskey.

Other singers include: Liz White, Lauren Fulton, Addie Ellison, Sarah DeNell, Natalie Irvin, Corinne Hunt, and Victoria Taylor. Cherub Choir singers are: Megan Irvin, Tyler Jacobson, Emma Key, Micah Ladman, Kaylee Poff, Katherine Shriner, Amelia Ellison and Raylee Bullard. Guest actors include LuAnne Wiese, Scott Jacobson and Drew Perez.

During the musical Middle School actors will portray characters in the Nativity story, and they will present a Live Nativity after the musical.