Medicare and you – Mobility Scooters


We’ve all seen the TV commercials “I got this scooter from Medicare and it didn’t cost me one red cent….” Maybe you have gotten a phone call saying “Our mobility specialist will be in your area next week, and he would like to arrange for you to get a free scooter…”

So, is the Medicare program really giving out “free scooters” to beneficiaries? Well, of course not. But when a mobility scooter is medically necessary it is a covered item. Here is a brief guide to help you understand the guidelines Medicare uses to decide if a scooter is medically necessary for you.
Do you need the scooter inside your home to be able to complete your daily living activities? Those activities would be getting from room to room in your home safely (like going from your bedroom to the kitchen to the bathroom) Your doctor has to be able to show this in your medical record. If you just need a scooter to walk long distances (like going to the mall) then Medicare will not cover one.

Have you used other mobility devices without success? Maybe you have used a cane, or a walker but they are no longer adequate for your needs. Has a manual wheelchair been tried without success? Your doctor should be able to document this. Medicare requires that the lowest cost options are considered first, and ruled out.

Does your home environment lend itself to the use of a mobility scooter? Are your rooms accessible? The scooter supplier has to document this as well.
Are you physically and mentally capable of safely using such equipment? Are you willing to use such equipment inside your home?
The guide above should help you determine if you would meet the guidelines to receive a mobility scooter under the Medicare program. If you feel you would qualify, speak to your doctor about it. If he feels you would benefit medically from using a scooter, then he will schedule a Mobility Evaluation Appointment with you prior to prescribing one.

If you have any questions or you’d like more information, please call one of our mobility specialists at 678-817-7281 or visit the Freedom Medical Solutions showroom in the Hudson Plaza Shopping Center on Georgia Highway 85 in Fayetteville.