Piedmont Fayette Toastmasters install new officers


The 2010-2011 officers were installed during the July 15 meeting of the Piedmont Fayette WLA Toastmaster club.  The 2010-2011 incoming officers are President Lynn Roberts, Vice President of Education Alice Muetzel, Vice President of Membership Julie Chapman, Vice President of Public Relations Sandra K. Simkins, Secretary Cynthia Willingham, Treasurer Susan Blair, and Sergeant at Arms Felicia Johnson-Nwaiji. 

The Piedmont Fayette WLA Toastmaster chartered March 24, 2009 and currently has two Competent Communicators among its members – Lynn Roberts and Alice Muetzel. 

Toastmasters International is the world’s largest educational organization specializing in communication and leadership training.  Information about Toastmasters may be found at www.gatoastmasters.org.