Franco-Cole Engagement


Yoly Marieth Franco, daughter of Yolanda Marin and Gerson Franco Sr. of Cali, Colombia, and John Aubrey Cole, son of Dr. and Mrs. Frank N. Cole of Fayetteville, announce their engagement and forthcoming marriage.

The bride-to-be is the granddaughter of Maria Agudelo and Gerardo Marin Sr. and Fanny Gutierrez and Noel Franco. She received her bachelor of business administration degree in accounting from both the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and Georgia State University. She is employed as an assistant controller for a property management company in Atlanta.

The groom-elect is the grandson of Jane Varner and the late Aubrey Varner and the late Janice and John C. Cole Jr. He received his bachelor of science degree in chemical engineering and biomolecular engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. He manages operations for a local beer system installation company.

The wedding will be July 24, 2010, at Fayetteville First United Methodist Church. The Rev. Mark Westmoreland and the Rev. Kristin Heiden will perform the ceremony. After the honeymoon, the couple will reside in Fayetteville.