Fayette BOE adopts $179 million budget


There was no fanfare, no controversy and no dust to settle. And after a short presentation June 29 by Fayette County School System Comptroller Laura Brock, members of the Fayette County Board of Education unanimously adopted the $178.9 million General Fund budget that took effect July 1.

The school system began the 2009-2010 school year with a budget of $185.5 million. The tentative adoption of the $178,806,358 General Fund budget for FY 2011 includes the use of $5.19 million in fund balance dollars that were carried over from FY 2010 since the school system expects to see only $173,715,915 in revenues for the 2010-2011 period.

Brock and Superintendent John DeCotis noted that cuts in state funds are anticipated in the coming months. Those cuts could amount to several million dollars for the Fayette school system.

“We’ve built this budget so we can weather those cuts because we have a reasonably healthy fund balance,” Brock said.